Weaving Course

Weaving Courses at The Threshing Barn
Price : £75

We hold a series of introductory weaving courses using a selection of weaving methods and materials. You can choose from the following weaving courses:

Tapestry weaving techniques on a frame or ring

Peg loom frames for raw fleece, commercial yarns or strips of fabric to make rectangular or circular mats, wall-hangings, bags, cushions etc.

Rigid heddle looms – an introduction to using a basic loom with heddles and shuttles

The Details

  • Craft Courses run from 10 am – 4.30 pm.
  • The cost of a Basic Course is £75 per person, per day. (Students £60, Children £45).
  • There is a ground floor workshop available with access for people with disabilities.
  • Basic materials are included in the cost of the workshop.
  • Additional material costs are incurred on some craft courses.
  • Bring a packed lunch or visit a local café.
  • Teas/Coffees provided throughout the day.

It is Cumbria Wool Gathering Weekend (https://cumbrianwoolgathering.co.uk/)! So any orders placed between 4pm Thurs June 20th and 4pm Mon 24th June won’t get posted out until Tues 25th June. I will however post them out 1st class.

The shop in Reeth will also be closed during this period.

Sorry for any inconvenience caused and thank you for supporting this small business.

Best Wishes
Sara x