Weaving Temples


Weaving Temples make weaving easier and the Glimakra temples are designed in wood so they don’t scratch your loom or prick your fingers. The teeth of the Glimakra temples are made thin and extremely sharp.

The  Weaving Temples are made to work within a range of widths, the longer ones with a wider range. They are also thicker and wider. Weavers generally purchase more than one temple, selecting the sizes which work with the weaving widths they usually use.

We supply Temples in the following sizes. Please phone if the size you require is not on website.

  • 20-25 cm
  • 25-32 cm
  • 30-40 cm
  • 35-45 cm
  • 40-55 cm
  • 50-75 cm
  • 60-90 cm
  • 70-100 cm
  • 80-130 cm

Weaving Temples

It is Cumbria Wool Gathering Weekend (https://cumbrianwoolgathering.co.uk/)! So any orders placed between 4pm Thurs June 20th and 4pm Mon 24th June won’t get posted out until Tues 25th June. I will however post them out 1st class.

The shop in Reeth will also be closed during this period.

Sorry for any inconvenience caused and thank you for supporting this small business.

Best Wishes
Sara x